73 research outputs found


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    The concept of Islamic economics that prioritizes for optimization of the real sector and makes the financial sector as driving factor of economic activity. Islamic financial institutions continue to provide services for working capital, especially for SMEs, reaching 5 percent. The SMEs also continue to grow to 10 percent, becoming an opportunity for Islamic financial institutions to be able to accompany the movement of SMEs. This article is descriptive qualitative. Described the development of shariah banking financing product  for SMEs and the important role of Islamic financial institutions for SMEs. The results of the study show that the distribution of Islamic bank financing for SMEs in the period of December 2016 to September 2017 reached 61,299,000,000 or grew by 5.504 percent. The biggest financing for SMEs on BUS is equal to 44,872,000, the largest growth in UUS is 21,339 percent. The concept of Islamic economics has similarities with the economic concept of SMEs, both of which are resistant to the storm of crisis, then the concept of Islamic economics puts forward the distribution of income, through Islamic financial institutions income distribution can be realized. Islamic financial institutions will continue to contribute to economic development especially for the SMEs real sector

    Business Sustainability in the Era of Society 5.0: Optimizing the Utilization of Social Media and Fintech for Muslim Millennial Entrepreneurs

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    The transformation of conventional business transactions into digital-based businesses is strongly influenced by the presence of social media and fintech. The pattern of business interactions does not only take place in traditional and modern markets, but has also penetrated the virtual world. This study aims to examine and explore efforts to optimize the use of social media and fintech for business actors from Muslim millennials in maintaining the sustainability of the business they are engaged in in the face of the Society 5.0 era. This type of research is a field research with a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method with a case study model on Muslim millennial business actors carried out in the Bungku Utara district, Morowali, Central Sulawesi. The result found that the use of social media in the form of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram as well as fintech in the form of M-Banking and E-Wallet for business continuity, plays an important role and its use in marketing, sales, market analysis, and forming and developing business networks. The theoretical implications of this research show that there is a need to integrate the use of social media and fintech in business activities by business actors. The practical implications show that the greater the use of social media in business activities, the greater the use of fintech which will support business continuity managed by business actors

    Perkembangan Politik Islam Kontemporer

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    This article talks about Islam and politics are two interesting words to be discussed Islamic literatures. Many of the modern Islamic thinkers and modern neo, which tries to give an explanation of the relationship between Islam and politics. Religious and political discourse, particularly power management (religio-political power) has actually been growing since the middle of the century.In this article will discuss the contemporary Islamic thinkers view sperti Jamaluddin AlAfghani, Rashid Rhido, al-Maududi, Hasan Al-Bana etc.Besides, in this article see the political developments in the Islamic world, including the political history of Islam in Indonesia

    Penentuan Harga Opsi untuk Model Black-Scholes Menggunakan Metode beda hingga

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    Hasil yang diperoleh dengan metode beda hingga, kemudian dibandingkan dengan solusi persamaan Black-Scholes dengan menggunakan metode analitik, Pengaplikasian metode dalam penelitian ini, digunakan data harga penutupan (closing price) saham The Coca-Cola Company dari tanggal 2 juli 2012 sampai tanggal 28 september 2012 sehingga diperoleh volatilitas harga saham awal dengan harga strike sedangkan tingkat bunga bebas risiko digunakan suku bunga sertifikat bank Indonesia yaitu 5.75%, harga opsi yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode analitik adalah 1.7167,sedangkanmetodebedahinggayangpalingmendekatihasilanalitikadalahmetodebedahinggaImplisit,adapunkesimpulanyangdapatdiperolehdaripenelitianiniadalahsemakinbanyakpartisiuntuknilaisahamMdanpartisiwaktuNmakanilaiopsiakansemakindekatkenilai1.7167, sedangkan metode beda hingga yang paling mendekati hasil analitik adalah metode beda hingga Implisit, adapun kesimpulan yang dapat diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah semakin banyak partisi untuk nilai saham M dan partisi waktu Nmaka nilai opsi akan semakin dekat ke nilai 1.7167


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    NURSYAMSU DHUHA, 2018. Penerapan Teknik Skimming Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman Murid Cerebral Palsy Kelas Dasar VI Di SLB Negeri 1 Gowa. Skripsi dibimbing oleh Dra. Tatiana Meidina, M.Si dan Drs. Andi Budiman, M.Kes. Jurusan Pendidikan Luar Biasa; Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan; Universitas Negeri Makassar. Masalah pokok dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah “Apakah penerapan teknik skimming dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman murid cerebral palsy kelas dasar VI Di SLB Negeri 1 Gowa”. Tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan teknik skimming untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman murid cerebral palsy kelas dasar VI Di SLB Negeri 1 Gowa. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Responden penelitian adalah murid cerebral palsy kelas dasar VI Di SLB Negeri 1 Gowa yang masih aktif pada tahun ajaran 2017/2018 berjumlah 1 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini melalui tes hasil belajar murid. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan membaca pemahaman murid cerebral palsy kelas dasar VI Di SLB Negeri 1 Gowa sebelum penerapan teknik Skimming berdasarkan Kategori kemampuan membaca pemahaman menunjukkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman responden penelitian berada di bawah kategori kemampuan membaca pemahaman yang telah ditetapkan. Sedangkan setelah pembelajaran dengan penerapan teknik Skimming pada murid cerebral palsy kelas dasar VI Di SLB Negeri 1 Gowa menunjukkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman subjek mengalami peningkatan dengan hasil perolehan nilai berada di atas kategori kemampuan membaca pemahaman yang telah ditetapkan. Hal ini berarti bahwa responden telah berada pada kategori tuntas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa penerapan teknik Skimming dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman murid cerebral palsy kelas dasar VI Di SLB Negeri 1 Gowa

    Perilaku Organisasi dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze organizational behavior on employee performance, organizational culture on employee performance, organizational behavior, and organizational culture on employee performance. This research method is descriptive quantitative. The population of this study were employees at the Shipping Science Training Center (BP2IP) Tangerang, amounting to 30 people. The sample size is 30 people using the whole population sampling technique or the census technique. The results showed that there was a significant influence of organizational behavior on employee performance of 0.602 or 60.2%. There is a significant influence of organizational culture on employee performance at the Shipping Science Training Center (BP2IP) Tangerang by 0.520 or 52%. There is a significant influence of organizational behavior and organizational culture together on employee performance at the Shipping Science Training Center (BP2IP) Tangerang by 0.677 or 67.7%. In conclusion, the three research variables influence each other. Keywords: Organizational Culture, Employee Performance, Organizational Behavio


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    Abstrak Berjalan kaki merupakan kegiatan transportasi yang pertama kali dikenal manusia. Saat ini mobilitas manusia dilakukan dengan menggunakan berbagai macam alat transportasi yang semakin modern, sehingga aktifitas berjalan kaki hanya dilakukan untuk menempuh jarak pendek. Fenomena sekarang menunjukkan populasi pejalan kaki (pedestrian) semakin meningkat di kota-kota besar pada daerah pusat perekonomian/ perbelanjaan (Central Business Distric, CBD). Keberadaan pejalan kaki tersebut sebagai bagian dari sistem transportasi perlu diatur dan dibuat tolok ukur bagi perancangan fasilitas-fasilitasnya.Berbagai cara ditempuh untuk melayani kebutuhan pejalan kaki, terutama pembangunan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai. Pejalan kaki menuntut disediakannya jalur tersendiri sebagai prasarana utama, dengan berbagai fasilitas pendukungnya. Pengembangan fasilitas pejalan kaki perlu terus dilakukan sehingga mencapai kondisi yang diharapkan oleh pejalan kaki yaitu situasi yang aman, nyaman, lancar, dan ekonomis.Penelitian ini mencoba mengamati karakteristik pejalan kaki serta berusaha untuk mengetahui keandalan jalur pejalan kaki (trotoar) dalam melayani pemakainya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode US HCM 2000 dan dilakukan di Jl. A Yani, Yogyakarta.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan berdasarkan nilai-nilai parameter karakteristik yaitu kecepatan, kerapatan, dan tingkat arus pejalan kaki dengan metode Greenshields serta nilai tingkat pelayanannya, maka didapatkan nilai kecepatan arus bebas 62,49 m/menit, kerapatan maksimum 3,22 pejalan kaki/m2, tingkat arus maksimum (kapasitas trotoar) 50 pejalan kaki/menit/m, dan tingkat pelayanan berkisar antara C dan D. Pengaruh pemakaian trotoar untuk aktifitas selain pejalan kaki (berdagang) berdampak pada pengurangan lebar jalur. Pada tempat-tempat tertentu, untuk berjalan kaki tinggal disisakan jalur dengan lebar tidak lebih dari 25 % dari lebar trotoar. Kondisi ini sangat merugikan pejalan kaki karena mengurangi keleluasaan dan mempengaruhi kelancaran pergerakan.Kata kunci : pejalan kaki, trotoar, tingkat pelayanan, tingkat arus, kecepatan, kerapata

    Moral Education in the Book ArRahīqu AlMakhtūm by Shakh Shafy Al-Rahmān AlMubārakfūrī

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    Because the world's atmosphere recently has deep moral instability, the desire to reach the century of ethics instead becomes a century of minus ethics. Even though the Islamic ummah has a role model in terms of ethics and morals, namely the figure of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, it becomes a necessity for every Muslim to know him through Shirah An-Nabawiyah, which is beautifully explained in the monumental writing Ar-Rahīqu Al-Makhtūm by the great scholar Syakh Shafy AlRahmān AlMubārakfūrī. The purpose of this study is to examine how Rasulullah SAW developed the thought of moral education contained in the book Ar-Rahīqu Al-Makhtūm by Sheikh Shafy Al-Rahmān Al-Mubārakfūrī. The method used in this study is the library research method with documentation techniques, while the analysis uses content analysis and historical analysis. The results of the study show that there is a moral education that the Prophet SAW developed in the book Ar-Rahīqu Al-Makhtūm by Syekh Shafy Al-Rahmān Al-Mubārakfūrī, namely Rabbāniyah, Insāniyah, and Syumūliyah. The Rabbāniyah or religious dimension is by maintaining human relations with God, namely reviving faith and enlivening makhdhah worship. The Insāniyah dimension includes honesty (shiddiq), responsibility, discipline, hard work, creativity/innovation, independence (i'timad), curiosity (research), and reading/literacy. While Syumuliyah: achievement, democracy, social concern, friendship/loyal friends. Of the three aspects of moral education, the Rabbāniyah dimension is the most dominant of the other dimensions, showing that the human relationship with God is the top priority.

    PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA MULTI MEDIA SEBAGAI BAHAN AJAR UNTUK MATA KULIAH ENGLISH COMMUNICATION FOR COMPUTER GRAPHICS (Sebuah Studi Kasus pada Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Kuningan)

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    The Visual Communication Design Department is one of departments at Faculty of Computer Sciences, Kuningan University which offers English Communication for Computer Graphic courses to 6th semester students. This class requires the development of teaching materials that can help student understanding in studying these courses by collaborating with information technology assistance. Based on the results of observations in the previous semester, when the teaching, lecturer used classical lecture media in the form of power points, it did not provide understanding and interest in student learning.Based on the description above, to overcome the problem of lecturing in the English Communication for Computer Graphic course, the writers try to design multimedia teaching materials that include input material, content focus material, language focus material and tasks. The formulation of the problem in this research is: how to design and develop a multimedia learning media for the English Communication for Computer Graphic course that will be used in the teaching and learning process.The research on the developing multimedia learning in the English Communication for Computer Graphics course uses a Research and Development (RD) research framework. The writers develop software in the form of English learning media for the Visual Communication Design Department. The research process was carried out by developing a product and conducting a validity test. There are many kinds of software that supports use in the process of creating interactive multimedia applications with their own functions. In making interactive multimedia application, they used several software. The software used is as follows: Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Flash CS3, and Adobe Audition 1.5. With this multimedia-based teaching material, it is hoped that students can be actively involved in English lecture activities, especially in the English Communication for Computer Graphic course, and they can easily understand the content of the material provided so that at the end of the lecture students can use spoken English as well as written in their life, especially in understanding and communicating English in certain fields English for Specific Purposes).Keywords: Learning Media, English Communication for Computer Graphic